Suggest a Project
We are always looking for more mentors/clients and projects!
Suggest a Project
The ideal EcoStudio projects would:
- Focus on a project in your 1-5 year workplan. This project should be something that your organization plans to do rather than a project you hope to gain funding for in the future.
- Have a significant sustainability impact. This project should help to save energy, conserve water, protect a natural resource, reduce waste, raise awareness about an environmental or sustainability challenge, etc.
- Have a dedicated project partner who is willing to spend at least 1-2 hours a week for the semester to mentor the student(s) working on their project
What Types of Projects Do We Offer?
- Internships – these are semester-long or longer and typically involve 10-20 hours a week of work. Internships can be paid or un-paid. Students are expected to spend the bulk of their time at the mentor/client's location or in the field in internships. In internships, the client serves as the primary mentor for the student, though the student will still have a faculty advisor. Typically, internships are worth three credit hours, pass/fail.
- Independent Research – these are semester-long, typically 3-6 hours per week, and allow students to work with mentors/clients ranging from campus operations and facilities staff or off-campus companies, municipalities, or non-profits. Students can work on their research at the client's location, in the field, or at the EcoStudio. Students are paired with faculty or graduate-student advisors. Typically, independent research projects are worth one to two credit hours, pass/fail.
- Guided Research – these are semester-long (or longer) projects that are undertaken in partnership with UNC faculty. These projects are the ideal foundation for, and may lead to, a Senior Honors thesis. Academic credit is for 1-6 credit hours, letter grade only.
- Class Projects – these are part of the syllabus of a course, such as capstones. For more information about environmental capstone projects, contact Carol Hee at
Internships are a powerful experience for students that allow them to sample different career paths. Students will typically spend 9-10 hours per week on their internship plus another hour per week at our EcoStudio meetings. Given the importance of the experience and the major time commitment, we ask that our partner organizations strongly consider offering funding for our students, though funding is not required to participate in EcoStudio. Typically, our students are paid between $15/20 per hour.
Guidelines for Mentors
Follow these simple suggestions for creating a great internship experience!
Download Guidelines for Mentors (pdf)
Questions about how to develop a successful EcoStudio project proposal?
Please contact EcoStudio at
Past and Present Clients