
Suggest a Project

We are always looking for more mentors/clients and projects!

Suggest a Project

The ideal EcoStudio projects would:

What Types of Projects Do We Offer?


Internships are a powerful experience for students that allow them to sample different career paths. Students will typically spend 9-10 hours per week on their internship plus another hour per week at our EcoStudio meetings. Given the importance of the experience and the major time commitment, we ask that our partner organizations strongly consider offering funding for our students, though funding is not required to participate in EcoStudio. Typically, our students are paid between $15/20 per hour.

Guidelines for Mentors

Follow these simple suggestions for creating a great internship experience!

Download Guidelines for Mentors (pdf)

Questions about how to develop a successful EcoStudio project proposal?

Please contact EcoStudio at

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